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Service Road Maintenance And Repairs

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Maintenance operations provide a safe roadway for motorists and pedestrians to use. If a service road leads to your place of business, being aware of local maintenance programs will limit downtime associated with a road being repaired or upgraded.

Report Pavement Issues

The Department of Public Works or the Department of Transportation is responsible for scheduling road maintenance and repair projects. The department keeps track of road issues. They hire a paving company to perform the required tasks.

As a business owner, you should be concerned about how accessible your commercial business is. If you currently inspect your parking lot for damage, you may also want to inspect the road leading to your business. If there are any potholes or other types of damage that make it somewhat difficult to drive down the service road that leads to your business, find out what department to contact for road repair assistance.

Many towns offer a reporting feature that allows citizens to put in a request for a repair to be made to a local road. If damage to the road hasn't been reported by anyone else, your effort to contact the Department of Public Works or Department of Transportation will ensure that the damaged roadway is inspected and repaired.

Learn About Preventive Maintenance

If a road closure will result in you needing to reroute traffic to your place of business, the contractor and construction crew who will be handling the maintenance and repair processes will be responsible for setting up a detour. Signs will be posted along the portion of the road that will be serviced. Some jurisdictions schedule maintenance and repair processes for times that will be the least disruptive to motorists. 

Common Maintenance And Repair Processes

  • patching (cracks and holes)
  • line striping
  • resurfacing
  • environment preservation strategies

Review Active Roadway Projects

Some jurisdictions have active projects that they oversee. These projects may involve maintaining large stretches of roads. If you are curious as to when the service road will undergo routine maintenance, contact the department that oversees roadway projects. Any of the listed projects above may be focused on during a maintenance program.

Before projects begin, an inspection of a roadway is conducted. This inspection helps a contractor determine how long it will take to perform pavement upkeep tasks. A general contractor will order new or recycled pavement materials that can be used to complete each scheduled task that is part of a maintenance project.

For more information, contact a road repair company near you.
