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Sources Of Substantial Water Damage For Your Home's Interior

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Residential flood damage is a destructive and common occurrence that can inflict costly damages to a home. After this damage occurs to your home, you will likely need to hire a professional disaster restoration service to oversee the repairs. In particular, there are many different ways that water damage can occur to your home.

Pipe Ruptures Due To Freezing Temperatures

In the winter, frigid temperatures can cause the water inside your home's pipes to freeze. When water freezes, it undergoes expansion, and this exerts pressure on the pipes. Eventually, this causes cracks and ruptures to occur. After this occurs, widespread flooding can rapidly happen to the home's interior.

To prevent pipe ruptures due to freezing temperatures, insulate your pipes properly. This insulation can help the pipes to retain heat so the water will be less likely to freeze. It is vital to insulate pipes in exterior walls, but you will also want to do this for pipes in interior walls.

Flash Flooding

During heavy rain storms, your home could be at risk of flash flooding causing widespread damage. This can saturate the ground and overwhelm local drainage systems. As a result, water can start to accumulate rapidly. This can cause flooding in low-lying areas, such as basements and crawl spaces. This moisture intrusion can quickly cause extensive damage to your home. You should also consider installing a sump pump in your basement or crawl space to help remove water in the event of a flood.

Major Roof Leaks

Damaged or missing shingles and poor flashing installation can cause large leaks in the home's interior. When a roof leak occurs, water can quickly penetrate your home, causing widespread damage that impacts the ceilings, floors, and even the walls.

To prevent major roof leaks, make sure to inspect your roof for signs of damage or wear regularly. If you notice any indications of a roof leak, make sure to have it repaired immediately to prevent mold and other types of damage.

Backed Up Sewer Lines

Sewer backups can occur when the main sewer line becomes clogged or damaged. If this occurs, water could become backed up throughout your home's interior. Not surprisingly, this can cause extensive damage and severe sanitary problems. Regularly having your sewer line professionally cleaned is one solution for limiting the risk of this occurring. Avoiding pouring grease down your drain lines can also help to keep them clean and clear. Fortunately, a professional plumbing contractor can clear these clogs, and a damage restoration service can sanitize your home's interior. 

For more information about residential disaster restoration, contact a local company. 
