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4 Warning Signs Of A Mold Problem In Your Home

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Mold is a type of fungi that grows in damp and humid environments. Although it can grow anywhere in the house, it mostly thrives in basements, drywalls, bathrooms, and under sinks. Unfortunately, many people don't realize they have a mold problem until it causes severe structural damage or health problems. The damage mostly happens because mold grows in hidden areas, and it's hard to spot it if you don't seek mold inspection services regularly. 

Check out the following signs of mold growth in your home. 

1. Musty Smells

If your home has a strange odor without an obvious source, there is a high likelihood that you have a mold problem. Mold releases a musty smell that starts faint but worsens as time passes. Other people describe it as earthy, damp, or stale.

Seek the services of a mold inspection expert if your home has a strange smell that won't go away even after a deep cleaning. They will inspect your house, including the hidden areas such as the basement or foundation.

2. A Flare-Up of Allergic Reactions

If people in your home are developing allergic reactions more than usual, that could be a sign of mold growth in your home. Mold releases tiny spores which get into the respiratory system and cause allergic reactions such as:

  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Itchy throat, eyes, and nose
  • Chest tightness
  • Nasal congestion

Although the symptoms vary depending on a person's immune system, people with respiratory conditions, such as asthma, are affected more. 

3. Stains and Discoloration on Walls and Ceilings

Mold causes dark or brown stains on walls and ceilings. However, some mold strains also cause pink or green streaks. However, water damage can also cause discoloration on walls and ceilings. If that's the case, you may still have to deal with a mold problem later since it thrives in damp areas. 

If your walls or ceilings are discolored, call a mold inspection expert to help you determine whether the cause of the problem is mold or water damage. 

4. Peeling Wallpaper

A significant mold growth makes wallpapers peel, especially at the seams and the corners. When you remove the wallpaper, you may see grainy or discolored spots on the wall. 

Since mold thrives in dark and humid environments, the space behind wallpapers provides a perfect spot, especially during the hot months. Moisture gets trapped between the wall and the wallpaper, providing ideal growing conditions.

Before you replace your wallpaper, call a mold inspection professional to inspect your walls and remove any mold. Doing so will prevent peeling in the future.

Contact a local mold inspection service to learn more. 
