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When It's Time To Consider A Roofing Replacement For Your Old Clay Tile Roof

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If you live in an older home with clay tile roofing, the roofing could be getting near the end of its life. Clay tiles last for decades when they're maintained properly, but if you or the previous owners were lax with roof inspections and repairs, the tiles may need to be replaced sooner than you expect. Here's when you should consider a roofing replacement with new tiles or another type of roofing.

When There Is Widespread Tile Damage

Tiles can usually be repaired since cracks can be filled and chips glued back in place, but when a lot of tiles are cracked, chipped, or crumbled, a roofing replacement might be needed. Tiles can tolerate small to medium hail, but if large hail pounded down on your roof, there could be a lot of damage, and your insurance may pay for a roofing replacement due to hail damage.

If repairs are not made on your roof for several years, cracks and chips can accumulate until you have so many that a roof replacement is needed. That's why it's so important to keep up with roof repairs.

When The Tiles Look Old And Ugly

A clay tile roof that has tiles black from dirt and algae or coated with green moss is an eyesore. Pressure washing can sometimes make a big difference in the way your roof looks. Pressure washing can make the tiles look young and almost new. However, if pressure washing isn't appropriate for your situation, then you may want a new tile roof to improve the curb appeal of your home.

Clay tiles are luxury roofing, and when the tiles look worn-out and ugly from stains, it makes your property look neglected. Replacing the tiles with new ones gives your home a fresh new look that could add value to your home or make it easier to sell.

When The Roof Has Moisture Damage

A common problem with clay tile roofing is that the underlayment that protects the deck of the roof from moisture wears out quicker than the tiles. Without protection, the deck can start to rot due to moisture damage when rain blows under the tiles. Rain that gets under the tiles might roll to the eaves of the roof and start rotting that area out first.

Your home may need a roofing replacement that includes putting on a new deck, underlayment, and tiles to restore your roof and stop water damage to your home. Since clay tiles are heavy, your roof may start to sag and become a hazard if the rotted deck becomes too weak to support the tiles.
