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3 Common Plumbing Issues That Affect Restaurants

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Opening and running a restaurant is always a learning curve for first-time investors. One of the things you never think you will have to worry about is plumbing. However, this is one of the essential parts of the building's infrastructure. Because of the nature and volume of the waste produced in restaurant kitchens and bathrooms, you have to be vigilant about keeping the plumbing in excellent condition. Here are the most common plumbing issues that affect restaurants and how to deal with them. 

Defective Gas Lines

The cooking needs of a commercial kitchen get their fuel from natural gas. Your restaurant has gas lines supplying the cooking and heating appliances with the needed fuel. If one of the lines becomes defective, it creates a huge safety hazard because the gas could be leaking inside the establishment. A blockage reduces the volume getting to the cooking appliance, slowing down the cooking speed and efficiency. Hire a competent plumber to check and fix all gas line issues immediately after you see the signs.

Clogs in the Toilet

Many people visit the restaurant washroom throughout the day. Not all people who use the bathroom will be mindful of the practices that protect the system from clogging or backing up. Additionally, the mere number of people using and flushing the toilet is enough to cause a strain on the plumbing. However, you can use some simple tips to ensure the toilets are running efficiently at all times. One way to prevent people from flushing solid items and blockages is by placing a waste receptacle next to the toilet bowl. You should also call the professional plumber immediately if you notice signs of trouble with the system. 

Issues with the Grease Trap

The commercial kitchen produces more grease than any other establishment. You might take all the necessary measures to prevent it from ending up inside the drains. However, a considerable volume of the oil and fat used to cook will still get into the pipes. Fortunately, most restaurants have grease traps that hold most of the grease and prevent it from flowing down further and causing clogs. You should check on these traps often and have the oil removed. Failure to check on them leads to overflowing and causes clogs. 

You should consult with someone competent in commercial plumbing about these and other plumbing issues that could be developing in your restaurant. With their help, you resolve plumbing problems and restore safety and efficiency in the restaurant environment.  
