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2 Plumbing Maintenance Tasks To Do Before Winter

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You likely have a number of things to get done before winter. Perhaps winter wardrobe updates and packing away summer items is at the top of your list. These things have some importance, but home maintenance objectives should be a high priority. Homeowners who neglect to get their homes prepared for winter are likely to experience a variety of winter emergencies. It is also possible for them to get damaged in the winter and not be able to identify the hidden damages until springtime. The following points are a few important winter prep plumbing tasks you need to strongly consider completing.

Get an Inspection

Many homeowners are shocked when they discover that their plumbing system has issues. You cannot judge whether your plumbing system is in good condition based on not noticing clogs or leaks. Clogs can occur deep within drain lines, and leaks may be hidden behind walls and ceilings. Modern-day plumbing inspections are non-invasive. Plumbers can use video technology and other equipment to detect leaks and clogs. Remember that shower and faucet leaks also matter because they can be a contributing factor to higher-than-average water bills. These leaks can also cause winter energy costs to be higher if it is water leaking. 

Get Your Drains Cleaned

A variety of substances can get trapped in drain lines. These substances may sit stagnantly and not show any signs that they are there. However, they will eventually coagulate together and create an obvious sign that an obstruction exists. Drain cleaning services can remove these clogs before they get to advanced stages. Grease is one of the main threats, and it can get trapped in drain lines from dishes and direct pour down drains. Winter weather makes pipes cold and creates the ideal conditions for grease to thicken and pipes and cause issues. Drain cleaning will also remove other substances and objects stuck in drain lines and pipes.

A plumber is a good resource to use to better understand the importance of seasonal plumbing system maintenance. They can advise you if they notice signs that your plumbing system will soon be in need of upgrades. You can also expect to save money by getting seasonal maintenance and following the recommendations of a plumber. Seasonal maintenance aids in identifying developing problems, making repairs, and performing preventive services like drain cleaning. This maintenance can prolong the lifespan of a plumbing system and prevent issues that could cause property damage.
